
Das Insurance Institute of Switzerland wird geschlossen. Alle Aktivitäten werden an der ZHAW, School of Management and Law, am Institut für Risk & Insurance weitergeführt.

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Institute for Risk & Insurance

ZHAW School of Management and Law
Technoparkstrasse 2
8401 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 77 98



  • Hans Lienhard knows it all and you can feel it. Perfect!

    Enrico Gassmann, Student Introduction to Reinsurance

  • The ARM 54 provides with a very nice broad overview of risk management. It is a good basis for anyone starting in the insurance industry.

    Olivier Eugster, Senior Cat Modeling Analyst, Student ARM 54

  • Together with the learnings, this course has given the opportunity to meet very knowledgeable people and to grow my network. On the other side students need to be motivated to attend this course: it requires quite some time to study and learn!

    Elena Alessandri, Underwriter, Student ARM 56

  • I will send all future new hires without RI background!

    Rita Marti, Student Introduction to Reinsurance

  • Being a coach at the IIS helps me refreshing what I learnt a few years ago when I passed the ARM54, 54, 56 and ERM 57 and exchange experience with the professionals who join the class

    Arnaud Mévillot, Coach IIS

  • Ich bin Coach um der nachfolgenden Generation das Wissen und die Erfahrung weitergeben zu können. 

    Hans Lienhard, Coach IIS

  • I am certainly much more knowledgeable with regards to the idiosyncrasies of the US business, which allows me to be on a level playing field with my business stakeholders.

    Vincent Bonny, Business Analyst, IT, Student ARM 56

  • Being a Coach with IIS in the area of Risk Management allows me to learn from the students' experiences and exchange views among practitioners while moderating in an interdisciplinary manner the content of the course. 

    Romano Luisoni, Coach IIS

  • Weil die Betrugsbekämpfung in allen Bereichen der Versicherungsindustrie einen hohen Stellenwert haben muss, engagiere ich mich in der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Versicherungsfachleuten. 

    Paul Kühne, Coach IIS

  • An immediate effect is to understand their requests and the context much faster, which allows me to be more efficient.

    Vincent Bonny, Business Analyst, IT, Alumni CPCU, ARM, Cyber Risk

  • Being an Engineer converted to the Insurance business, the ARM course is/has been really useful to me to get a more comprehensive understanding of insurance and risk management, and in particular of the related financial aspects. 

    Elena Alessandri, Underwriter, Student ARM 56

  • I embrace long life learning and with ERM 57 I have broadened my understanding of enterprise risk management and developed strong networking relationships with experienced risk management professionals.

    Adriana Scherzinger, Captive Portfolio Manager, Student ERM 57

  • Mein Spezialgebiet als Versicherungsbroker sind die internationalen Versicherungslösungen und es ist für mich immer wieder eine Freude, dieses Thema zu vermitteln. 

    Armin Gutmann, Coach IIS

  • Content was very good and appropriate - intense, but that was what I had hoped for.

    Ines Maurer, Student Introduction to Reinsurance

Nächste Kurse

In nächster Zeit finden keine Kurse statt.

Blended Learning Design

  • Vorbereitung

    Lektüre der Kapitel im blauen Kursbuch und Vorbereitung Ihrer Fragen

  • Unterricht

    Vertiefung der Inhalte mit einem Coach und Diskussion mit Kollegen

  • Nachbearbeitung

    Übungen im Course Guide (weisses Buch)

  • Prüfung

    Individuelle Prüfungsvorbereitung mit einem Online Tool

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